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“Primal Listening: Human Minds and Animals Ears in the Age of Comparative Anatomy,” Journal of the Royal Musical Association (2025), in production
“Ideas and Matter,” 19th-Century Music 43 (2019): 63-66
“Sound as Hermeneutic, or: Helmholtz and the Quest for Objective Perception,” 19th-Century Music 43 (2019): 99-120
“An Uncrossable Rubicon: Liszt’s Sardanapalo revisited,” Journal of the Royal Musical Association 143 (2018): 361-432
“Music and the Transhuman Ear: Ultrasonics, Material Bodies, and the Limits of Sensation,” Musical Quarterly 100 (2018): 199-261
“Towards a Materialist History of Music: Histories of Sensation,” Franklin Humanities Institute, Duke University (2017)
“Exercising Musical Minds: Music and Phrenology in London, circa 1830,” 19th-Century Music 39 (2015): 99-124
“Facing Digital Realities: where Media do not Mix,” Cambridge Opera Journal 26 (2014): 41-64

“Sensations of Listening in Helmholtz’s Laboratory” [review article], Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 48 (2014): 124-32
“'Bayreuth in Miniature': Wagner and the Melodramatic Voice,” Musical Quarterly 95/1 (2012): 71-138
“Lohengrin at the Weimar Hoftheater: the Politics of a Premiere,” Journal of the American Liszt Society (2011): 135-58
“Wagner Studies and the ‘Parallactic Drift’” [review article], Cambridge Opera Journal 22 (2011): 235-55
“The Composer’s Rainbow: Rudolf Kolisch and the limits of Rationalization,” Musiktheorie 3 (2009): 228-37
“Après une lecture de Liszt: Virtuosity and Werktreue in the ‘Dante’ Sonata,” 19th-Century Music 32 (2008): 52-93
“Composing Time: Zeno’s Arrow, Hindemith’s Erinnerung, and Satie’s Instantanéisme,” Journal of Musicology 24 (2007): 522-580
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